Electronics AC User Manual
Page 14

1. AUTO-ZERO - This LED indicator is on when the auto-zero function is forcing the display to zero.
The “enable” and the wheel motor must be off for this function to operate. The Auto-zero may be
disabled, (2-2)
2. ENABLE - This LED indicator will be on if the mode switch is "on" or if mode switch is in "ready"
mode and costumer applies 120VAC to Terminal #3 (control enable).
3. VALVE - This LED indicator shows power output to the MagnaValve at fixed 8-Hertz rate and vari-
able duty cycle.
4. DIGITAL DISPLAY - Indicates the motor amps. Pushing the display switch (1-11) to the right dis-
plays the amperage setpoint. Pushing display switch to the left will display the alarm bandwidth (in
5. HIGH ALARM - This LED indicator will be on when the control is enabled and the motor amps ex-
ceed the high alarm trip point [setpoint + alarm band]. When the Alarm Time “Times Out” the LED
will get brighter and the High Alarm Relay Contact will close.
6. LOW ALARM - This LED indicator will be on when the control is enabled and the motor amps are
less than the low alarm trip point [setpoint-alarm band]. When the Alarm Time Relay “Times Out”
the LED will et brighter and the Low Alarm Relay Contact will close
7. LOCAL - This LED indicator shows that the control is in the “local” mode and the setpoint knob be-
low it will command the motor amps. When this indicator is “on” the remote mode indicator is “off”.
8. REMOTE - This LED indicator shows that the control is in the “remote” mode and a remote analog
0-10 Vdc command is expected at terminal #10. The “setpoint” knob is not active when the remote
LED is on.
9. SETPOINT KNOB - This knob will set the desired motor amps and the midpoint of the alarm band-
when the control is in local mode (local LED indicator must be on). Push the display switch to
the right to see amperage setpoint in the digital display.
10. DISPLAY SWITCH - Push to the left to read the alarm bandwidth. Push to the right to read set-
command. When the switch is in the center position, the actual motor amps are displayed.
11. MODE SWITCH - This switch determines the controller mode of operation.
a. Right = Forced on
b. Middle = Forced off
c. Left = Ready (waiting for 120VAC "Enable" signal from machine at terminal #3)
12. DECAL - Model Number and revision level is shown on this decal. Space is provided for customer
13. CALIBRATION DECAL - Customer may place a calibration decal here to restrict access to the in-
ternal adjustments normally made by technicians only.