Banks Power Ford Trucks: (Diesel ’03 - 07 6.0L Power Stroke) Power Systems- PowerPack & Stinger w EconoMind ('03-07) Compatible w_ Optional PowerPDA User Manual
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96811 v.10.0
the power level selector switch.
All model years: Using a
Uni-bit, center the bit onto the
drill location on the template and
slowly drill through. Using a
” drill
bit, center and drill through the
location on the template. Remove and
discard the template and any plastic
shavings. De-burr the drilled holes
as needed to ensure that the power
level selector switch fits squarely
against the dash panel.
Remove the nut and internal
tooth washer from the power level
switch and test fit the switch into
the drilled holes. Ensure that the
alignment pin properly fits in the
hole. Enlarge the holes as necessary
to allow the switch to properly fit.
Do not fasten the switch to the dash
panel yet.
Align the Banks power level
switch label on the previously drilled
hole on the front of the dash panel.
Make sure the entire mounting
surface is clean and free of dirt and
oil before mounting the label. clean
and dry as required using a cloth
damped with rubbing alcohol of
similar cleaning solution. Remove
the adhesive backing and affix the
label to the dash panel. Hold the label
against the panel for approximately
20 seconds while applying pressure
to allow the adhesive to properly
adhere to the surface.
Rotate the switch
counterclockwise until the shaft
stops. Verify that the washer tab is
inserted into the #6 position on the
switch as shown in Figure 48. Note:
All of the power settings ma y not be
usable if the tab is not in slot #6.
Install the switch through the
” hole on the backside of the
bezel. The alignment pin should rest
in the
” hole and the switch fully
rotated counterclockwise. Secure the
switch with the internal tooth washer
and nut. Snug the nut. Be careful not
to over-torque the nut and damage
the threads.
Install the knob on the shaft
facing the #1 Level on the power
level switch label. On the knob,
snug the two (2) set screws with the
supplied 0.050” hex key wrench. The
completed switch installation will
appear as shown in Figure 49 for
2003-04 model year and Figure 50
for 2005-07 model year.
Re-install the dash panel, make
all electrical connections that were
disconnected, and re-install the radio
(2003-04 model year vehicles only)
Route the Power Level selector
switch’s cable to the wire harness
that was routed into the passenger
compartment from the OttoMind6
Diesel Tuner, and plug the 2-pin
connector into the corresponding
connector on the OttoMind6 harness.
Note: The 8-pin plug on the wire
harness routed from the OttoMind6
Diesel Tuner to the passenger
compartment will not be used.
Reinstall the lower interior panel
that allows access to the fuse box.
Figure 49: Finished installation of the Power Level Selector Switch on 2003-04
model year vehicles
Figure 50: Finished installation of the Power Level Selector Switch on 2005-07
model year vehicles
Figure 48: Power Level Selector Switch, orientation of the tab on the washer