Rough Country 276P User Manual
Page 9

44. Swing up the bracket and insert the supplied crush sleeve in the frame rail for the existing hole on the upper control
arm drop bracket Take care not to drop the sleeve inside the frame rail. See Photo 34.
45. Swing down the bracket and install the thick washers ( Two per bolt) as shown in Photo 35 from 1274bag7between
the frame and the drop bracket to space the bracket off the frame. Bolt the rear of the bracket to the frame using the
1/2” X5 1/2” bolt, washer and nut. Bolt the front of the drop bracket to the frame using the 1/2” x 1 1/4” bolt washers
and nuts. Repeat on the opposite side. Torque bolts to 65 ft/lbs. Torque the 2 upper 9/16” bolts to 130ft/lbs.
46. Locate the steering link assembly from 1274Box1. See Photo 36.
47. Install the new steering link on the idler arm & pitman arm studs and secure with the factory nut. Leave the pitman
arm and idler arm nut to steering link loose as shown in Photo 37 . Do not fully tighten at this time to allow the
installation of the steering assist link in a later step.
48. Reinstall your lower control arms using the 5/8” x 4.5” bolts, washers and nuts, from 1274bag1 for the front cross
member and supplied 5/8” x 5 1/2” bolts, washers and nuts from 1274bag2. Tighten using 24mm wrench &socket.
49. Reinstall the upper control arms using the stock hardware, and a 21mm wrench / socket. Do not tighten at this time.
50. Using a 15mm socket reinstall the axle shaft onto the
differential. Torque to 35 ft/lbs.
51. Reinstall the knuckle on the upper and lower control arm
using the stock hardware, and a 1 1/16” wrench.
52. Reinstall axle shaft into the knuckle using a 35mm socket.
Torque to 175 ft/lbs.
53. Using an 18mm wrench reinstall the drag link to the
knuckle and steering link assembly using the stock
54. Reinstall the stock sway bar links, using the stock
hardware. Tighten bolts until the bushings swells slightly.
55. Reconnect the wires to the differential solenoid.
Reconnect the differential hose using the vent hose
extension and coupling from 1274bag3.
56. Reattach the A.B.S. wire to the upper control arm. Using
WD40, lubricate the bracket that holds the ABS wire to the frame, slide the bracket down to allow slack in the line,
reinstall the bracket to the frame using stock hardware.
57. The front driveshaft will not clear the front crossover pipe on the exhaust. The exhaust must be rerouted to allow the
front driveshaft to be installed. Using a saw cut the exhaust to allow clearance for the shaft Using a 11mm wrench
reinstall the driveshaft. See Photo 38.
Photo 37
Pass Side Idler Arm Shown
Photo 38
Steering Assembly
Photo 34
Photo 35
Photo 36