Rough Country 276P User Manual
Page 3

1. Chock the rear wheels to prevent movement. Place a jack under the lower control arm and jack the vehicle up.
Place jack stands on the frame rails to support the vehicle. Remove tires and wheels.
2. The next step will require a special tool to unload the torsion bars. This tool is available at some parts houses and
also at Kent Moore Tool Group, Roseville, MI…..PH: (800) 345-2233 or (313) 774-9500. Part # J-22517-C.
Please Note the torsion bar is under extreme load. Substituting a tool for an actual torsion bar tool may re-
sult in injury.
3. On either side of the vehicle, position unloading tool on cross member. See Photo 1. Apply light lubricating grease
to tool threads. Be sure to leave adequate clearance to remove the adjuster bolt from the cross member. Tighten
the adjuster bolt on the cross member and tighten tool on adjuster arm to relieve tension on the bolt .Loosen the ad-
juster bolt and remove the bolt and threaded block from cross member. Loosen torsion bar tool until adjuster arm is
loose. Slide the bar forward and the adjuster arm will fall free. In the event the bar seems lodged, use a punch and
hammer routed through the hole in the back of the cross member to drive it forward. Repeat on opposite side.
4. On vehicles with stock exhaust, it may be necessary to jack-up the exhaust to allow clearance for cross member re-
moval. Using a 18mm wrench and 18mm socket remove the torsion bar cross member, out side bolts. Using a
15mm socket and wrench remove the center bolts. Retain stock hardware. With the cross member out of the way ,
the bars can be dislodged from the lower control arms and removed. Mark the bars driver / passenger side, front /
rear. The bars must be installed on the same side and in the same direction as they were removed.
See Photo 2.
5. If your vehicle is equipped with factory skid plates remove them using a 15mm wrench.
6. Using a 3/8” allen head socket remove the bolts holding the caliper. Tie the caliper out of the way. See Photo 3.
7. Remove
8. Using a 35mm socket remove the axle nut. Save the stock hardware. See Photo 4.
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4