Toner Cable TXS3453 MPEG2 Transcoder User Manual

Txs 3453, Transcoder

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TXS 3453


969 Horsham Road


Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044 USA


Phone: 215-675-2053 Fax: 215-675-7543


[email protected]

The TXS 3453 Transcoder is the newest processing
platform in Sencore’s Media Delivery Solution portfo-
lio. The TXS 3453 is capable of transcoding up to 16
HD channels of:

• MPEG2 video
• H.264
• H.264 video to MPEG2

This transcoding platform is available in both a Gold
and Platinum model. The Gold version is capable of
high-quality transcoding with density capabilities of up
to 16 programs in a single rack unit. The Platinum ver-
sion is capable of very high quality transcoding at
state-of-the-art bitrates at density capabilities of up to
8 programs in a single rack unit. Both Gold and
Platinum units have ASI and IP I/O standard with
optional Terrestrial and Satellite RF inputs.

The TXS 3453 provides quality, density and price in a
single chassis. With the flexibility of inputs and outputs
this box can fit into many applications. This chassis
eliminates the prior need for multiple racks of equip-
ment while saving power.

Key Features

• 40% higher compression allowing for lower bitrates
• Transcoding/transmitting for up to 16 HD/SD

Channels of:

MPEG2 to H.264
H.264 to MPEG2
H.264 to H.264

• Inputs: ASI, IP, 8-VSB, & DVB-S2
• Outputs: IP & ASI
• Secondary video output (PIP)
• Redundant Load-Sharing Power Supplies
• Easy-to-Control Web Interface
• SNMP full control and Alarm Monitoring


Contribution Reception and Backhaul

Receive network and live feeds via RF, ASI or IP,
and simultaneously transcode to the needed codec
for distribution

HD to SD Downconversion
Convert any HD broadcasts to SD to support exist-
ing infrastructure

Local Reception and Integration for Distribution
Receive local content off-air or through IP feeds
and simultaneously provide transcoded video for
the distribution network