Toner Cable MEQ1000 Multiplexing Hybrid QAM Modulator User Manual
Meq1000, Multiplexing hybrid qam modulator, Specifications

QAM Modulator
Modulation Modes:
16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, 256QAM, 512QAM or 1024QAM
Symbol Rate:
1 Ms/s to 7 Ms/s
ITUA (DVB) or ITUB (DigiCipher)
I/Q Phase Error:
Less than 1 degree
Carrier Suppression:
45 dB
Channel Amplitude Error:
Less than 1 dB
Greater than 38 dB with blind equalizer
MEQ1000Upconverter RF Output
Output Frequency Range:
54 MHz to 1002 MHz
Channel Plan:
Std. CATV, HRC, IRC, or Broadcast
Frequency Stability:
± 5 ppm
Maximum Output Level:
+ 61 dBmV minimum, adjustable downward
Minimum Output Level:
+ 45 dBmV
Output Level Accuracy:
± 1 dB
Output Impedance:
75 Ohms with return loss better than 14 dB (within output filter passband)
Spurious Outputs:
-60 dBc from 40 MHz to 1000 MHz
Broadband Noise:
Less than -12 dBmV (6 MHz BW @ ±12 MHz)
Phase Noise:
-101 dBc @ 10 kHz offset
MEQ1000 RS232 Control
Data Link:
2400, 4800, 9600, or 19,200 baud interface via serial cable
RS232 Input:
DB-9 connector for connection to modem or PC
RS232 Output:
DB-9 connector for connection to addtional transcoders
The ASI output provides a copy of the transport stream that is input to
the QAM modulator.
90 - 132 VAC/ 60 Hz, 35 W maximum
9.5 pounds
19” W x 1.75” H x 14.5” D
Operating Temperature:
0 degrees C to + 50 degrees C
Specifications Subject To Change Without Notice
Rev 05-12
©Toner Cable Equipment, Inc.
The R.L. Drake model MEQ1000 is a com-
mercial grade hybrid QAM modulator. The
MEQ1000 features plug in input modules
that include an ATSC/QAM tuner, an ASI
input, an IP input, and analog NTSC inputs;
thus the description 'hybrid' is used to
describe it. A multiplexer is built in to combine the transport streams and input the filtered and groomed transport stream to the QAM
The MEQ1000 has two input module slots and the outputs interface to the MEQ1000 multiplexer, internally, where they are MPEG
program filtered, multiplexed, and groomed. Programs, among the total group from input module A and input module B, may be
selected or not selected by the operator to be sent to the QAM modulator. Each input must contain no more than 20 programs and a
maximum of 20 programs per input may be selected. Also, the total bitrate of the selected programs must not exceed that of the out-
put QAM channel capacity. Some common applications include: drop/add, cherry picking programs from ASI or IP MPTS inputs, digi-
tal channel processing, or local origination additions.
The MEQ1000 contains a high performance QAM modulator that can operate in most ITU-A or ITU-B modes up through 1024 QAM.
The very low noise, high output, upconverter provides coverage from 54 MHz to 1002 MHz while maintaining exceptionally low phase
noise and broadband noise. Output level can be selected at a value between + 45 and + 61 dBmV. The MEQ1000 operates in a fixed
output clock mode and processes null packets when required to maintain the set fixed clock rate. PCR correction is included.
Multiplexing Hybrid QAM Modulator
969 Horsham Road
Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044 USA
Phone: 215-675-2053 Fax: 215-675-7543