RIEDEL Juggler User Manual
Riedel juggler, Integrated tetra radio system for artist intercoms

Integrated TETRA Radio System for Artist Intercoms
Besides wireless intercom systems, wireless communications at events
are usually based on professional mobile radios or digital trunked radios.
While analog radios are easily integrated with the wired intercom system
via the Riedel RiFace, Riedel now provides JUGGLER, a compact TETRA
digital trunked radio network solution for Artist Digital Matrix Intercoms,
which provides seamless integration of wired intercom and professional
digital radio applications.
While digital TETRA radios have been providing many advantages such as
optimal frequency usage, highest transmission quality for audio and data
and maximum security against eavesdropping, TETRA remained unsuitable
for many applications because the installations were large and expensive.
Riedel JUGGLER provides for the fi rst time a cost-effective and compact
solution, which makes it ideal not only for fi xed installations but also mobile
applications and OB trucks.
The new Riedel JUGGLER TETRA solution seamlessly integrates the
TETRA radio network into the wired intercom matrix, providing intelligent
integration between TETRA radio groups and Riedel Artist intercom ports.
The system allows calls from any port/group/conference of the Artist
system to up to 64 individual TETRA radio groups and vice versa. JUGGLER
works with any TETRA-standard compliant subscriber.
The system consists of the JUGGLER Artist Interface, the TETRA Base
Station Controller and the TETRA Base Station. The JUGGLER Artist
Interface connects the TETRA Base Station Controller to any given Riedel
Artist system via MADI. The TETRA system can be set up as a single-site
installation or as a multi-site installation with seamless hand-over.
The IP65 encapsulations of the TETRA Base Station as well as of the TETRA
Base Station Controller ensures reliable operation even in harsh climatic
JUGGLER Artist Interface
Ethernet (VoIP)
Base Station
Ethernet (VoIP)
TETRA Base Station
TETRA Base Station
Riedel Communications GmbH & Co. KG
Uellendahler Straße 353
42109 Wuppertal, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 202 292 - 90
Fax: +49 (0) 202 292 - 99 99