6 dial-out – VEGA MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3 User Manual

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MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3





Set the Dial-Out Server

You can use the MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3 as dial-out server. The MoRoS Modem - ISDN
1.3 will automatically establish a PPP connection to a remote terminal, when the net-
work traffic occurs in the direction of the network of the terminal. The network traffic
which may trigger a connection setup can be limited by rules. This optional "Dialing fil-
ter" will ensure that only packets from/to certain IP addresses or from/to certain ports
trigger the dial-out connection. This dial-out connection can be compared with the dial-
in of a PC into the Internet. Only after this dial-in, it will be possible to transfer IP data
(e.g. web contents) or to remotely access devices in the local network of the MoRoS Mo-
dem - ISDN 1.3, for example.

Configuration with the web interface

To turn on the dial-out server, select "Yes" in the option "Activate dial-out" of
the menu "Dial-out" (Figure 16, page 37 above, position 2).

Enter the phone number of the PPP terminal (e.g. the Internet provider) in the
entry field "Phone number" for destination A (Figure 16, page 37 above, posi-
tion 3). You can enter one more phone number for destination B. The MoRoS
Modem - ISDN 1.3 will always use the number, which was used last for suc-
cessfully establishing a PPP connection. If the connection setup to destination
X does not work, the MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3 will attempt to reach the other
destination, and vice versa.

Enter the User name and password for the PPP dial-in destinations A and B
(Figure 16, page 37 above, position 3).

Select the PPP authentification method (PAP or CHAP) to be used for destina-
tions A and B in the selection "Authentification" (Figure 16, Page 37 above, Po-
sition 4).

Enter a value for "Idle time" to define how long the connection will remain es-
tablished, if no data transfer takes place. Enter the required time into the
field "Idle time" (Figure 16, Page 37 above, Position 5) in seconds.
To maintain the connection open for an unlimited time, enter the value "0".

Enter a value in the field Maximum connect time to limit the duration of a
connection. If you enter a maximum connection time, the connection will be
closed after this time period has expired. To keep the connection open, with-
out any time restrictions (until the connection is terminated for other rea-
sons), enter the value "0" in the field "Maximum connection time" (Figure 16,
page 37, above, position 6).

To request an Adresse for a DNS-Server from the remote terminal, activate
the Checkbox „Request DNS Server Adress“ (Figure 16, page 37, above, posi-
tion 17). In some situations this option must be deactivated, e.g. when the
remote terminal does not provide an adress for a DNS server and the connec-
tion establishment depends on wether the MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3 requests
this adress successfully or not.

Save the settings, by clicking "OK" (Figure 16, Page 37, above, Position 10).