VEGA VEGASON 51P…53P Profibus PA User Manual
Page 61

There is a linear interpolation between the
linearisation points.
• Click to "
OK“ and you are again in the
menu window "
Tank calculation“.
• Again click in the menu window "
Tank cal-
culation“ to "
OK“ and you are in the lineari-
sation menu.
Here the calculated linearisation curve is
again outputted. The volume information
under "
Linearised“ now no longer corre-
sponds to the calculated volume of the tank
calculation program. Why?
In the menu "
Scaling“ (Instrument data/Condi-
tioning/Scaling) you entered earlier that at
0 % filling there are 45 liters in the tank and at
100 % filling 1200 liters. The geometry of the
calculated cylindrical tank was accordingly
scaled down to a size that indeed evaluates
to a volume of only 1200 liters. The modified
linearisation curve was then applied to the
volume data that you entered in the menu
If the true content of the calculated vessel
should be outputted, the volume that was
determined by the tank calculation program
must be entered in the menu "
The sensor then outputs the actual filling
volume calculated from the entered vessel
• Quit the menu with "
• Confirm with "
OK“ and your individual
linearisation curve is saved in the sensor.
Again in the menu window "
Conditioning“, you
can enter with the menu item "
time“ a measured value integration. This is
recommended for agitated product surfaces,
to prevent rapid fluctuation of the output
signal and the measured value indication.
The standard setting is an integration time of
0 seconds.
• Quit the menu with "
OK“. You are again in
the menu window "
Instrument data param-
eter adjustment“.
• Quit the menu window with "