Warrior 2370 SPARE TIRE LICENSE PLATE MOUNT (Universal) User Manual
2370 spare tire license mount, Installation instructions

Warrior Products, Inc.
16850 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd
Ste. A
Durham, OR 97224
Phone (888) 220-6861
Fax (503) 692-0364
Protecting Your Adventure Lifestyle
IMPORTANT: The installation of this kit requires some alteration to your vehicles’ license plate
light wiring. If you are not comfortable with your abilities in this regard, please seek out a
qualified individual to handle that part of the installation for you.
1. Begin by removing your spare tire from the mount on the back of your vehicle and set it aside.
Check to see if there is an access hole in the center of the spare tire mount where the studs
are. The wiring for the license plate light will need to pass through here. If there is not a hole,
you will need to drill approximately a 1/2” hole directly in the center of the studs through the
spare mount. If the mount is constructed of steel, spray the hole with some suitable enamel
paint to inhibit rust.
2. Place the round lug plate onto the spare
mount studs. The plate is designed to fit
5x4.5” through 5x5.5” lug patterns.
Remove the center cap from your spare
tire (if equipped), reinstall the spare onto
the mount studs and tighten the lug nuts.
The round lug plate should now be
‘sandwiched’ between the spare tire mount
and the spare tire with the adjustment tube
pointing out through the spare.
3. To install the license plate light, first insert
the wires through the right side middle hole
of the mounting tab on the lower portion of
the license plate holder. The two small
metal screws supplied screw in from the
back side of the tab and into the plastic of
the light housing. The wires will then be
inserted through the hole at the top of the
adjustment tube just behind the license
holder and fed out through the end of the
tube. Attach your preferred style of plug
so that the connection takes place within
the adjustment tube, but leave enough
slack in the wires so that you can pull the
plug out for disconnecting.