Ilter and, Ntegration – Soft dB Tenor 24bits Data User Guide User Manual

Page 44

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Tenor Data Logger

Soft dB inc.

5.3 Filter and Integration Tab

The Filtering and Integration tab at the bottom of the main post-processing interface
includes two filter functions that can be applied across the entire selected framework (refer
to section 5.4 for more information about the framework selection).

The Filter function is a generic filtering module while the Integral x(t) function allows
making simple or double-time integration on an acceleration signal. Both functions filter the
signal since the Integral x(t) makes the time integration with a filter.

A streaming technique is used to apply a filter on the entire framework. Both filtering
functions use the current wave file as a source for the filter and save the filtered signal in a
new wave file. The filtering operation starts at the beginning of the framework and is done
on the entire framework. If the current framework does not cover the entire signal of the
original wave file, the filtering operation will generate a smaller filtered wave file that
contains only the filtered signal of the selected framework. In this case and after a filtering
operation, the starting point of the framework is automatically reset to zero and the entire
filtered signal is presented on the peak value curve. Note that the original wave file is
always conserved on the PC’s hard disk.

Note: After the filtering operation, the beginning of the signal can be distorted because of
the impulse response of the filter applied. We suggest removing the beginning of the time
signal by using the time extraction function (see section 5.4 for details).

The next two sections describe the filtering functions in detail.

User Manual

p. 44