Soft dB Tenor 24bits Data User Guide User Manual

Page 21

background image

Tenor Data Logger

Soft dB inc.

Figure 12: Dynamic range and saturation indicators

Each dynamic range indicator has two bars. The yellow bar is the maximum peak value
measured since the beginning of the acquisition. This yellow bar turns red if saturation
occurs. The blue bar is the current peak value of the current acquisition block. The peak
values are presented in dBFS. This is the dB computed with the full-scale peak value as a

Where I24peak is the peak value of the current acquisition block in the range of a signed
decimal 24-bit number (-2


and +2


). The dB calculation is done with the full-scale peak

value reference: 2



When the input type selection is Direct AC or ICP, the interface removes the DC
component of the input signal before the dBFS computation. In this way, the dynamic
indicator presents the range occupied by the AC part of the signal. For the Direct DC input
selection, the DC is included in the dBFS computation.

In some rare circumstances when the DC signal is relatively high for the Direct AC or ICP
input selections, saturation can occur before the DC subtraction. In these circumstances,
no AC saturations are detected but a saturation problem is present. To avoid this
saturation detection problem, the interface tests the saturation before removing the DC
component. If saturation is detected at this stage, the number of the corresponding input
on the top of the dBFS indicator turns red.

In addition to the dBFS indicators, the interface computes the percentage of saturation that
occurs on all activated inputs. This information is useful in determining the degree of the
saturation problem. A low saturation percentage for a specific channel can be acceptable;
some functions of the post-processing interface can be used to avoid the saturations in the

The following button allows resetting the dBFS and percentage indicators:

User Manual

p. 21