Ranger™ 3000, Series en-7 – Ohaus RANGER 3000 COMPACT SCALES Manual User Manual

Page 9

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Ranger™ 3000

Series EN-7

3.3 Weigh Mode

This mode is the factory default setting.

1. If needed, press and hold Mode until [wWeIGH] (Weigh) is displayed.
2. If required, place an empty container on the pan and press Tare.
3. Add sample to the pan or container. The display shows the weight of the sample.

3.4 Percent Mode

This mode measures the weight of a sample as a percentage of a reference weight.

1. If required place an empty container on the pan and press Tare.
2. Press and hold Mode until [Percnt] is displayed. [Clr.ref] (clear reference) will then

display. If no reference weight exists, the scale will display [Put.ref], proceed to step 5.

3. Press No to use the stored reference weight and proceed to step 6.
4. Press Yes to establish a new reference. Scale will now display [Put.ref].
5. Add the desired reference material to the pan or container. Press Yes to store the

reference weight. The display shows 100%.

6. Replace the reference material with the sample material. The display shows the

percentage of the sample compared to reference weight.

7. To clear the stored reference press and hold Mode until [Percnt] is displayed. Press Yes

when [Clr.ref] is displayed.

Note: Press Function to view the current reference weight.

3.5 Counting Mode

This mode counts large numbers of items based on the weight of a reference count.

1. Place an empty container on the pan and press Tare.
2. Press and hold Mode until [Count] (Count) is displayed. [CLr.PwW] (Clear Average Piece

Weight, APW) will then display.

If no APW exists, the scale will display [Put.10], proceed to step 5.
3. Press No to use the stored APW. Proceed to step 7.
4. Press Yes to establish an APW.
5. The scale will then display the stored sample size, i.e. [Put 10]. Press No or Back to

toggle the choices (5, 10, 20, 50 or 100).

6. Put the indicated number of pieces on the pan then press Yes to calculate the APW. The

display shows the piece count.

7. Add additional pieces until the desired count is reached.
8. To clear the stored APW press and hold Mode until [Count] is displayed. Press Yes when

[Clr.pwW] is displayed.

Note: Press Function to view the current APW.