MSD 62153 DIS-4 Plus High Output Installation User Manual
Msd dis-2 plus ho, Dis-4 plus ho

Read these instructions before attempting this installation!
NOTES: 1. Solid Core spark plug wires cannot be used with an MSD DIS Ignition.
2. Vehicles originally equipped with a CD ignition
cannot use an MSD DIS Ignition.
3. This ignition should be used for
RACING ONLY, not for street use.
Parts Included:
1 - MSD DIS Ignition
12 - Connectors, Butt Splice
1 - Cable Assembly
1 - Bypass Plug
NOTE: It is recommended that you have the Service Manual and wiring diagram for your vehicle
before beginning the installation of the MSD DIS Ignition.
Operating Voltage: 12-18 volts (neg. ground)
Operating Current: 5.3 Amperes @ 10,000 RPM
RPM Capability:
14,000 RPM - 4-Cyl. @ 14 volts
Ignition Inputs:
2 - DIS Type
Ignition Outputs:
2 - DIS Type
LED Indicator:
Ign. trigger, low battery voltage
Tach Output:
(+) 12 volt square wave, 40°
Rev Limiter:
High RPM - Adjustable
Low RPM - Adjustable
Spark Duration:
20°- 4-Cyl. Max Sparks - 12
Energy Output Max: 165-175 milliJoules per spark.
2100 milliJoules per sequence.
Output Voltage:
Primary (Into Coil): 460-480 volts
Secondary: (w/stock coil)
43,000 volts
Weight & Size:
3 lbs., 9.5"L x 4.5"W x 2.2"H
Operating Voltage:
12-18 volts (neg. ground)
Operating Current:
10 Amperes @ 10,000 RPM
RPM Capability:
14,000 RPM - 4, 6, 8-Cyl. @ 14 volts
Ignition Inputs:
2, 3, 4 - DIS Type
Ignition Outputs:
2, 3, 4 - DIS Type
LED Indicator:
Ign. trigger, low battery voltage
Tach Output:
(+) 12 volt square wave, 40°
Rev Limiter:
High RPM - Adjustable
Low RPM - Adjustable
Spark Duration:
20°- 4, 6, 8-Cyl. Max Sparks - 12
Energy Output Max: 165-175 milliJoules per spark.
2100 milliJoules per sequence.
Output Voltage:
Primary (Into Coil): 460-480 volts
Secondary: (w/stock coil)
43,000 volts
Weight & Size:
3 lbs., 9.5"L x 4.5"W x 2.2"H
WARNING: Before installing the Ignition, disconnect the battery cables. When disconnecting
the battery cables, always remove the Negative (-) cable first and install it last.
Parts not included but may be needed:
Ignition Adapter(s) PN 8912, PN 89121, PN 8917
Coil Interface Modules, PN 8870 for GM DIS Applications
Coil Interface Modules, PN 8879 for Saturn Applications
Cam Sync Adapter, PN 8914 for Saturn Applications
The MSD Digital DIS-2 Plus HO Ignition can be used on 4-cylinder engines equipped with two dual output
coils. The DIS-4 Plus HO Ignition can be used on 4, 6 or 8-cylinder engines equipped with up to four dual
output coils. The Ignitions will accept trigger inputs from electronic distributorless type ignition systems.
PN 62113
DIS-4 Plus HO
PN 62153
• W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
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