MSD 5520 Street Fire Ignition Control Installation User Manual

Street fire cdi

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• W W W . S T R E E T - F I R E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4

Parts Included:

1 - Ignition

1 - Harness, PN 8860


During installation, disconnect the battery cables. When disconnecting the battery always
remove the Negative cable first and install it last.

Note: Solid Core spark plug wires cannot be used with the Street Fire Ignition.

Note: The Street Fire Ignition cannot be used with distributorless ignition systems (DIS).



The Street Fire Ignition Control will operate on any negative ground, 12 volt electrical system with a distributor. It

can be used with 16 volt batteries and can withstand a momentary 24 volts in case of jump starts. The Ignitions will

deliver full voltage with a supply of 9 - 18 volts and will operate with a supply voltage as low as 7 volts.


The Street Fire Ignition can be used with most stock coils and aftermarket coils designed to replace the stock coils.

If you have any questions concerning coils, contact our Customer Service Department at (915) 855-7123.


The Street Fire Ignition features a Tach Output wire that provides a trigger signal for tachometers, a shift light or other

add-on rpm activated devices. The Tach Output produces a 12 volt square wave signal with a 24% duty cycle.

Some vehicles with factory tachometers may require a Tach Adapter to operate with the ignition. For more information

on Tachometers and MSD Tach Adapters, see the Tachometer Section on page 9.

If your GM vehicle has an inline filter it may cause the tach to drop to zero on acceleration. If this occurs, bypass

the filter.


Due to the fuel injection systems, some foreign vehicles may require a special Tach/Fuel Injection Adapter with a

Street Fire ignition. See page 9 for wiring and Tach Adapter information.

Note: Vehicles originally equipped with a CD ignition control cannot use the Street Fire Ignition.


Spark plug wires are very important to the operation of your ignition system. A good quality, helically wound wire and

proper routing are required to get the best performance from your ignition, such as the Street Fire Wire.

Note: Solid Core spark plug wires cannot be used with the Street Fire Ignition.

Spark Plugs: Choosing the correct spark plug design and heat range is important when trying to get the best

performance possible. It is recommended to follow the engine builder or manufacturer's specification for spark plugs.

With that, you can then experiment with the plug gap to obtain the best performance. The gap of the plugs can be

opened in 0.005" increments, then tested until the best performance is obtained.


Sealing: Do not attempt to seal the ignition. All of the circuits of the Street Fire ignition receive a thick conformal

coating of Humi-Seal. Rubber plugs are supplied to protect the rpm dials.

Welding: If you are welding on your vehicle, to avoid the chance of damage, always disconnect both Heavy Power

cables of the ignition (You should also disconnect the tach ground wire).

1 - 18" Ground Wire

1 - 100V/1A Diode

4 - Mounting Screws

Street Fire CDI

PN 5520

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