4 ieee-488 command set reference, 1 device clear (dcl) command, Remote interface reference – American Magnetics 185 & 186 Liquid Level Instruments (CE-Marked) User Manual
Page 56

Rev. 3
Remote Interface Reference
IEEE-488 Command Set Reference
IEEE-488 Command Set Reference
All commands sent to the Model 185/186 are processed and the Model 185/
186 responds with a return value and termination. If the command is
invalid, the Model 185/186 will respond with an error code (see the Error
section). All return values including error codes are terminated with
(linefeed) and EOI asserted. For those commands that do not return
a value, the Model 185/186 will echo the command string in the return
message. The Model 185/186 does not implement a full complement of
IEEE 488.2 commands, nor does it conform to the Standard Commands for
Programmable Instruments (SCPI) protocol. These limitations are due to
memory constraints in the microprocessor board design. Device clear (DCL) command
The Model 185/186 responds to the device clear (DCL) command from a
host IEEE controller. The device clear resets the instrument. The default
communications interface units are centimeters and the permanently
saved configuration settings are restored. Commands for controlling the units of measurement
The CM command sets the units of measurement to centimeters and the
INCH command selects inches. The PERCENT command sets the units of
measurement to the percentage of the active sensor length that is
immersed in liquid. The units of measurement selected through the
IEEE-488 interface are controlled independently from the units
mode toggle switch used for controlling the front panel display.
The remote units setting is saved in permanent memory by the SAVE
command and is restored at power-up. The UNIT command returns a one
character value (and termination) indicating the current units—C for
centimeters, I for inches, or % for percentage.
Command: CM
Function: Sets the units of
measurement to
Returns: CM
Command: INCH
Function: Sets the units of
measurement to
Returns: INCH
Command: PERCENT
Function: Sets the
measurement to % of
active sensor length
Returns: %
Command: UNIT
Function: Returns the current
units in use
Returns: C, I, or %