Pch 7591 – Acnodes PCH 7591 User Manual
Page 90

PCH 7591
15 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC
© Copyright 2012 Acnodes, Inc.
All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at www.acnodes.com.
14628 Central Ave.
Chino, CA91710
Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939
Advanc ed Calibration
Advanced C alibration uses 4, 9 , 16 or 25
points to effectively c alibrate touch panel
linearity of aged touch screens. Click this
button and touch the red squares in
sequence w ith a styl us. To skip, press
Command Cal ibration
Com mand call calibra tion function. Use
comm and m ode call calibration function,
this can uses S tandard, 4, 9 , 16 or 25
points to calibrate E.g. P lease run ms-dos
prompt or c ommand prompt c :\Program
Fi les\P enMount Universa Driver\Dmcctrl.ex e
-c alibration 0 ( S tandard C alibration)
Dmcc trl.e xe - c alibration ($) 0= S tandard
Calib ratio n 4=A dvanced Cal ibration 4
9=A dvanced Ca libration 9 16=A dvanced
Calib ratio n 16 25=A dvanced C alibration 25
1. P lease sel ect a device then click
“C onf igure ”. Y ou can als o dou ble click the device too.
2.C lick
“S tandard Calibration” to start cal ibration procedure