Pch 7591 – Acnodes PCH 7591 User Manual

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PCH 7591

15 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC

© Copyright 2012 Acnodes, Inc.

All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at

14628 Central Ave.

Chino, CA91710

Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939

H yper-Threading Technology

Enable and dis able Intel's hyper-thre ading technology.

Q uic k Power On Self Te st

This item is used to a ccelerate Pow er On Se lf Test (POST) process . If set to Enable d, BIOS will

s horten or s kip some of its tests.

Enabled (default)

Quick POST

D isabled

N orm al PO ST

First/Second/Third/Boot Other Device

BIOS will load the operating system ac cording to the boot orde r of available devices . If disabled,

th e f unction will be inactivate d.

PXE B oot For Onboard LAN 1/LAN2(boot from PXE)

Disabled(d ef ault) Syste m will run appointed boot device first after PO ST, If system can not find

o ut a ny available b oot devices it will run LAN boot


System will run LAN boot after POST at all times regardless of the appointed

b oot order, but it will run the appointed boot order after L AN boot failure.

B oot Up N umLock Status (Default: On)

On (default) Keypad numeric keys remain valid


Ke ypad arrow k eys remain valid

G ate A20 O ption

N orma l

G ate A20 s ignal is c on trolled by keyboard controller or chipset hardware.

Fast (default) Gate A20 signa l is controlled by port 92 or s pec ific programs of chipset.

A PIC Mode

It refers to an advanced interrupt c ontroller mode to meet the requirements of multi-core C PU .