Pch 7591 – Acnodes PCH 7591 User Manual

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PCH 7591

15 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC

© Copyright 2012 Acnodes, Inc.

All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at

14628 Central Ave.

Chino, CA91710

Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939

System Memory Frequenc y

Opt ions are: Auto , 53 3 and 667 (MH z).

SLP_S4# Assertion Width

Four options are available:

4 to 5 Sec.

3 to 4 Sec.

2 to 3 Sec.

1 to 2 Sec.

System BIOS Cacheable

If se t to Enabled, the fea ture will enable the c aching of BIOS R OM at F0000h-FFFFFh for better

s ystem performance. Howe ver, if any program writes into this memory area, it will re sult in a sy stem

e rror. Optio ns are: Enabled and D isabled.

Video B IOS Cacheable

If se t to Enabled, the fea ture will enable the c aching of video BIOS ROM f or better sys tem

p erformance. H owever, if any program w rit es into this memory area, it will result in a system error.

O ptions are: Enabled and Disabled.

Memory H ole At 15M-16M

This feature will dec reas e your memory by 1M and allow the few old ISA c ards th at require this

m em ory to work properly on your system. O pt ions are: Enabled an d D isabled .

PCI Expres s Root Port Func

This item is used to configu re PCI-E slot. For motherboards not equip ped with PCI-E s lot, such

c onfiguration is not required. If set to D isabled, the s lot and slot device will be disabled. For example,

o nbo ard netw ork adapter c ard c an be disabled or enabled via PCI-E slot 1.

O n-C hip Frame B uffer Siz e

This f eature c ontrols the amount of video memory alloc ated to integrated gra phic card. The

s ystem memory can be used as video memory.