Pch 7591, Disclaimer – Acnodes PCH 7591 User Manual
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© Copyright 2012 Acnodes, Inc.
All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at www.acnodes.com.
14628 Central Ave.
Chino, CA91710
Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939
PCH 7591
15 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC
Thi s equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and
us ed in accordance w ith the instructi ons manual, it may caus e interf erenc e to radi o
c ommunications.
It has been tested and found t o comply with the limits for a C lass A computing device pu rsuant to
FC C Rul es, whic h are des igned to provide reasonable protection agai nst such i nterference whe n
op erated in a commerc ial environment. Ope ration of th is equipment in a residentia l area is likel y
to c ause interferenc e in w hich case the use r at his own ex pense will be required to take whateve r
m easure s may be required to correc t the interfe renc e.
El ectric S hock Hazard
– Do not operate the machine w ith its back co ver removed. There are
dangerous high voltage s inside.
T his info rmation in this document is subject to change w ithout notice. In no ev ent shall Ac nodes
C orpo ration be liable fo r damage s of any kind, whethe r inciden tal or c onsequential, arising from either
the u se o r misuse o f information in this document or in any re lated materials.