SOEHNLE Body Balance Slim F5 User Manual

Page 22

background image


Normal Range

Always measure in bare feet.
Personal data must be pro-
grammed first.

1. Step on to the scale. Your

weight is indicated, with a
bar display while analysis is
taking place (25-30
Stand still until analysis is

2. After automatic recognition

of the person, the scale
again displays the body
weight, the body fat con-

), the body water

content (

), muscle mass

content (

) and energy

consumption (kcal). Average
range of the corresponding
person is within the middle
3 segments of the bar
Interpretation of measure-
ment values (page 23).

The display shown next is the
recommendation for your per-
sonal conduct.

Meaning of the symbols:

You should drink more!


Muscle-building training
is recommended!
Change of diet is recom-
Your analysis figures are

4. Step off the scale. The scale

switches off automatically
when the person steps off.

In rare cases, the automatic
recognition of persons is not
possible. In this case, the
scale switches between the
memory slots of individual
persons coming closest to the
analysis result. Since measu-
rement is already completed,
you can now step off the
scale and confirm your indivi-
dual memory slot using the
"” or "” key ("” key for
the first memory slot display-
ed, "” key for the second
memory slot displayed).
Following this, body weight,
body fat, body water and
muscle mass content, as well
as calorie consumption is

In the event of a difference in
body weight of more than
+/- 3 kg compared to the last
measurement, the user is not
recognized and data entry
must be repeated.

Note that you will only obtain
a weight reading – and no
body monitoring data – if you
step on the scale with your
shoes or socks on!


BA63721slimF5_120863_V10.qxd:BA63721slimF5_120863_V9.qxd 05.01.2010 13:20 Uhr Seite 22