En + drawings, Field of application, You should know – Petzl Веревки Petzl User Manual

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R74 SEMI-STATIC ROPE R745000C (190209)

Field of application


This equipment is personal protective equipment.

EN 1891 type A semi-static rope (low stretch

kernmantel rope).

Type A ropes are better suited than type B ropes

for use in rope access or work positioning.

This rope can be used for rope access, work

positioning and travel restraint, as well as rescue,

caving, or canyoning.

It can be used as a working rope or a safety rope.

Petzl offers different colors to help identify each

rope (working rope, safety rope, etc.).

When progressing using climbing techniques,

you must use a dynamic rope.

ATTENTION, differentiate between your EN 892

dynamic ropes, your EN 1891 type A or type B

semi-static ropes and your EN 564 cordelettes.

This product must not be loaded beyond its

strength rating, nor be used for any purpose

other than that for which it is designed.

Ropes are personal protective equipment for

ensuring the safety of personnel, do not use

them for load lifting (due to the risk of damaging



Activities involving the use of this equipment

are inherently dangerous.

You are responsible for your own actions and


Before using this equipment, you must:

- Read and understand all instructions for use.

- Get specifi c training in its proper use.

- Become acquainted with its capabilities and


- Understand and accept the risks involved.

Failure to heed any of these warnings may

result in severe injury or death.


WARNING, specifi c training in the activities

defi ned in the fi eld of application is essential

before use.

This product must only be used by competent

and responsible persons, or those placed under

the direct and visual control of a competent and

responsible person.

Gaining an adequate apprenticeship in

appropriate techniques and methods of

protection is your own responsibility.

You personally assume all risks and

responsibilities for all damage, injury or death

which may occur during or following incorrect

use of our products in any manner whatsoever.

If you are not able, or not in a position to assume

this responsibility or to take this risk, do not use

this equipment.

Only the techniques

shown in the

diagrams that

are not crossed

out and/or do not

display a skull and

crossbones symbol

are authorized.

Check our Web site

regularly to fi nd the

latest versions of

these documents:

Contact PETZL

if you have any

doubt or diffi culty

understanding these



You should know

Rope lifetime:

To prolong rope life (better sheath/core

cohesion), soak it in water for 24 hours prior

to fi rst use. This removes lubricants and other

products used in manufacturing. Let the rope

dry slowly. It will shrink by approximately 5 %

(5 m for every 100 m). Take this into account

when calculating necessary lengths.

A well-used rope can shrink up to an

additional 5 %.

Avoid descending too fast on a rope as this

burns the sheath and accelerates wear. During

very rapid descents, a descender can become

hot enough to melt the nylon fi bers of the

rope (230 °C).

Avoid twisting

Pack your rope in a bag without coiling it to

reduce twisting.


If you cut a rope into several lengths, you

must mark each end with the proper end-

markings. We strongly recommend marking

the new length on the rope ends. The new

lengths of rope must each be furnished with a

copy of the technical notice.

Shock load

During a fall, a rope that is dusty, sandy, or

wet can develop a greater shock load.

The shock force increases with the amount of

wear on the rope.


Do not use a rope whose history you do not

know as it may have been subjected to major

falls and sustained invisible damage.










Nomenclature of parts








(1) Core, (2) Sheath, (3) Heat

shrink rope end.

Optional sewn termination

(4) Stitching, (5) Thread,

(6) Protective cover.


(7) Informative sticker at

each end of the rope.

Principal materials

Nylon (rope), polyurethane

(protective cover), polyester

(stitching thread).