Problems corrected in r1., Problems corrected in r1., Known anomalies for the 3com asterisk appliance – 3Com Notes for 3Com User Manual

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Release Notes for 3Com Asterisk Appliance Release

Page 14

Problems Corrected in R1.

• 3Com telephones display time in 12-hour UTC format. The time that a 3Com telephone displays on

its LCD is based on the default time zone setting on the 3Com Asterisk Appliance (click Networking
on the left navigation tab and then click the TimeZone button). If you change time zone information,
you must reboot the 3Com Asterisk Appliance and the 3Com telephone. (ID 49063)

Problems Corrected in R1.

• You do not need to press the pound key (#) after you enter an extension to make a call from a

3Com telephone. (ID 48857)

Known Anomalies for the 3Com Asterisk Appliance

• You can upload multiple timezone files to the 3Com Asterisk Appliance. When you delete timezone

files, you can delete all but one file. Therefore, one timezone file will remain on the 3Com Asterisk

• When you establish a conference bridge, unfavorable audio might occur when a second caller or

subsequent callers join the conference. (ID 48285)

• By default, the 3Com Asterisk Appliance does not support Caller ID blocking and Feature Code

890, and Caller ID Next blocking and Feature Code 889. (ID 48239, ID 48248)

• The Hands Free feature is active for calls from outside your local processor, that is, external calls.

(ID 48315)

• If you use the ftp command from the Linux shell, the 3Com Appliance will not function. Instead, use

the ftpput and ftpget commands. (ID 48798)

• If you enter invalid server information in the Update tab of the 3Com AsteriskGUI, the Upgrading

Firmware pop-up message box displays indefinitely. To clear the pop-up message box, click
another tab and then click the Update tab again. (ID 48790)

• A 3Com telephone cannot park a call from a telephone with Caller ID that is not the same as the

extension number. (ID 48844)

• You might need to reboot the 3Com Asterisk Appliance if WAN IP settings do not restore properly

after you restore a configuration backup file. (ID 48908)

• If you reset to the factory default settings and the 3Com Asterisk Appliance does not operate as

expected, reset the factory default settings again and reboot. (ID 48923)

• When you create a Service Provider entry or update an existing entry for a 3Com V7111 Gateway,

in the Advanced Settings dialog box, set the insecure field to port,invite. (ID 48929)

• If you use the 3Com AsteriskGUI to add the VoicePulse service provider, edit the VoicePulse

[trunk_x] context in the users.conf configuration file:


Change the line that references a VoicePulse gateway from :
