3Com 1000 User Manual

Page 149

background image




serial port. See console port
Server Address field 4-29
servers, connecting 1-6
SLIP Address field 3-10
SLIP Subnet Mask field 3-10
SNMP 1-14, 3-6

Community 4-6
quick start 1-15


power 1-13
RPS 1-13

Software Upgrade screen 4-29
software version number 6-8
Spanning Tree field 4-11
Spanning Tree Protocol. See STP
specifications, system E-1
Speed field 4-26
standards supported E-2
Standby Links Available field 4-20
STANDBY Port field 4-22
Standby Port ID field 4-20
statistics 6-1

counters. See counters
port 6-3
port error 6-6
port traffic 6-4
summary 6-2

Statistics (RMON group) 5-23
Status screen 6-8
Stop Bit field 4-26
STP 1-5, 5-12

Bridge Identifier 5-14
Bridge Protocol Data Units 5-14
configurations 5-16
configuring port properties 5-20
configuring VLAN properties 5-18
default path costs 5-14
Designated Bridge Port 5-14
enabling and disabling 4-11, 5-17
Hello BPDUs 5-15
Hello Time 5-14
Max Age 5-15
Root Bridge 5-14
Root Path Cost 5-14

STP State field 5-20
subnet mask, device 3-10
Summary Statistics screen 6-2
Switch 1000 1-1

desktop configuration 1-9
dimensions E-1
features 1-1
front view 1-10
initializing 4-28
installing 2-4
LEDs 1-11
logging off 3-12
logging on 3-7
management setup 3-9
port setup 4-12
positioning 2-1
powering up 2-6
rack mounting 2-4
rear view 1-12
resetting 4-27
size E-1
stacking with other units 2-4
unit defaults 1-14
unit setup 4-9
upgrading software 4-29
wall mounting 2-5
weight E-1
workgroup configuration 1-7, 1-8

Switch Database 4-16

adding an entry 4-18
ageing entries 4-16
configuring 4-17
deleting an entry 4-18
non-ageing entries 4-16
permanent entries 4-16
searching 4-18
traps 4-16

Switch Management screen 4-7
sysName field 4-9
system specifications E-1
System Up Time field 6-8


technical support F-1

3Com URL F-1
Bulletin Board Service F-1
fax service F-2
network suppliers F-3
product repair F-4
using CompuServe F-2

Telnet 3-2, 4-6
terminal emulator, connecting 2-7
terminal, connecting 2-7
Throttle field 4-24, 5-11
time since reset 6-8
Time Since Topology Change field 5-19
Topology Changes field 5-18
Transceiver Module 1-2, 1-13
Transceiver Module Type field 4-11
Trap Setup screen 4-24

community strings 4-24
setting up 4-24
throttle 4-24

trouble-shooting C-1
Type field 5-8


Unit Database View screen 4-17
Unit Name field 4-9
Unit Resilience Summary screen 4-22
Unit Setup screen 4-9
upgradable software version number 6-8
upgrading software 4-29
User Access Levels screen 4-2
User Name field 3-7, 4-3

access levels 4-6
changing names 4-5
creating 4-3
default 3-7
deleting 4-4