Kit/midi/assign 5/5, Kit/midi/tg midi sw, Trgvel trgmonopoly trgaltgrp – Yamaha DTX700 User Manual

Page 23: Tg midi sw, Tg switch midi switch

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DTX700 Reference Manual


Trigger Velocity (TrgVel)

Use this parameter to control the velocity value of MIDI notes
sent when the current pad is struck.


variable, 1 to 127


If no note numbers have been assigned to any of the pad’s lay-
ers (A to D) using the Note parameter (also from the Menu
area’s Kit/MIDI/Assign page), this setting will be displayed as
“---” and modification will not be possible.

No sound will be produced if you set this parameter to a value
outside the range of velocities set by the VelLimitLo (Velocity
Limit: Low) and VelLimitHigh (Velocity Limit: High) parameters
(also from the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Assign page).

Trigger Mono/Poly (TrgMonoPoly)

Use this parameter to control what happens when the current pad
is struck repeatedly in quick succession. If set to “mono”, the pre-
vious sound will be stopped before a new sound starts. If set to
“poly”, meanwhile, previous sounds will not be stopped before a
new sound starts.


mono, poly


If no note numbers have been assigned to any of the pad’s lay-
ers (A to D) using the Note parameter (also from the Menu
area’s Kit/MIDI/Assign page), this setting will be displayed as
“---” and modification will not be possible.

MIDI Note Off messages are not received for pads and layers
for which the RcvKeyOff (Receive Key-off) parameter (also
from the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Assign page) is set to “off”. If you
wish to set trigger monophony (“mono”), therefore, be sure to
set RcvKeyOff to “on”. This will ensure that Note Off messages
are sent to prevent overlapping voices.

Trigger Alternate Group (TrgAltGrp)

Use this parameter to assign the current pad to a trigger alternate
group if so required. Alternate groups are monophonic sets of
pads, and therefore, only one pad from an alternate group can be
producing a sound at any time. If a pad is struck while another
pad from the same alternate group is already producing a sound, a
MIDI Note Off message will be sent for the first pad together
with the MIDI Note On message for the second. In order to use
trigger alternate groups with voices played on MIDI channel 10,
the sending of MIDI Note Off messages must be enabled by
selecting “on” for the RcvKeyOff (Receive Key-off) parameter
(also from the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Assign page). Up to 32 trig-
ger alternate groups can be set up on your DTX700. If there is no
need for a pad to be assigned to a trigger alternate group, you can
set this parameter to “off”.


off, 1 to 32


If no note numbers have been assigned to any of the pad’s lay-
ers (A to D) using the Note parameter (also from the Menu
area’s Kit/MIDI/Assign page), this setting will be displayed as
“---” and modification will not be possible.

On the TG MIDI Switch page, you can set up each of
the DTX700’s MIDI channels for sending to the
instrument’s internal tone generator, to external MIDI
devices, or to both.


MIDI Channel (Ch)

Use this parameter to select the current MIDI channel number.


1 to 16

Tone Generator Switch (TG Switch)

Use this parameter to indicate whether MIDI messages produced
by playing pads and changing drum kits should be sent to the
internal tone generator. (Choose “on” to send to the DTX700’s
tone generator.)


off, on

MIDI Switch

Use this parameter to indicate whether MIDI messages produced
by playing pads and changing drum kits should be output via the
[MIDI OUT] connector on the rear panel or the [USB TO HOST]
port on the side panel. (Choose “on” to output.)


off, on



MIDI velocity values will reflect the strength with
which the pad is struck.

1 to 127

MIDI notes are sent with this fixed velocity value,
regardless of how hard or soft the pad is struck.

