York YR User Manual

Page 9

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FORM 160.81-EG1


• Full-load Amps

• Voltage Range

• Starting Current

• Open SCR

• Shorted SCR

• kWH Reset

The SETPOINTS screen provides a convenient loca-
tion for programming the most common setpoints in-
volved in the chiller control. The Setpoints are shown
on other individual screens, but to cut down on need-
less searching, they can all be found on this screen.
This screen also serves as a gateway to a sub-screen
for defining the setup of general system parameters.
From this screen you can perform the following:

Display Only:

• Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature – Setpoint

• Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Cycling –


• Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Cycling –


• Current Limit Setpoint


• Local Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature – Range

• Local Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature – Setpoint

• Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Cycling Offset –


• Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Cycling Offset –


• Remote Analog Input Range

• Local Motor Current Limit

• Pulldown Demand Limit

• Pulldown Demand Time

• Print

The SETUP is the top level of the general configura-
tion parameters. It allows programming of the time and
date, along with specifications as to how the time will
be displayed. In addition, the chiller configuration as
determined by the Micro Board program jumpers and
program switches is displayed. From this screen you
can perform the following:

Display Only:

• Chilled Liquid Pump Operation (Displays Standard

or Enhanced)

• Anti-Recycle (Displays Disabled or Enabled)

• Power Failure Restart (Displays Manual or Automatic)

• Liquid Type (Displays Water or Brine)


• Set Date

• Set Time

• Clock (Enabled/Disabled)

• 12/24 Hour

The following six subscreens can be accessed from
the SETUP screen:

The SCHEDULE screen contains more programmable
values than a normal display screen. Each program-
mable value is not linked to a specific button; instead,
the select key is used to enable the cursor arrows and
check key to program the Start/Stop times for any day
of the week up to 6 weeks in advance. The user has
the ability to define a standard set of Start/Stop times
that are utilized every week or specify exceptions to
create a special week.


• Exception Start/Stop Times

• Schedule (Enable/Disable)

• Repeat Sunday Schedule

• Standard Week Start/Stop Times

• Reset All Exception Days

• Select

• Print