York YR User Manual

Page 11

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FORM 160.81-EG1

collecting the data, but the oldest data drops off the
graph from left to right at the next data collection inter-
val. For ease of identification, each plotted parameter,
title and associated Y-axis labeling is color coordinated.

Display Only:

• This screen allows the user to view the graphical

trending of the selected parameters and is a gate-
way to the graph setup screens.


• Start

• Stop

• y-axis

• x-axis

The TREND SETUP screen is used to configure the
trending screen. The parameters to be trended are se-
lected from the Trend Common Slots screen, accessed
from the Slot Numbers button or the Master Slot Num-
bers List found in the Operating Manual. The interval at
which all the parameters are sampled is selected under
the Collection Interval button. The data point minimum
and maximum values may be adjusted closer to in-
crease viewing resolution.


• Chart Type (select continuous or one screen)

• Collection Interval

• Select

• Data Point Slot Number (1 - 6)

• Data Point Min. (1 - 6)

• Data Point Max (1 - 6)

The TREND COMMON SLOTS screen displays the
Master Slot Numbers List of the monitored parameters.

Display Only:

• Slot Numbers


• Page Up

• Page Down

• Print


The Control Center continuously monitors the operat-
ing system, displaying and recording the cause of any
shutdowns (Safety, Cycling or Normal). The condition
of the chiller is displayed at the System Status line that
contains a message describing the operating state of
the chiller; whether it is stopped, running, starting or
shutting down. A System Details Line displays Warn-
ing, Cycling, Safety, Start Inhibit and other messages
that provide further details of the Status Bar messages.
Messages are color-coded: Green – Normal Operations;
Yellow – Warnings; Orange – Cycling Shutdowns; and
Red – Safety Shutdowns to aid in identifying problems

Status messages include:

• System Ready To Start

• Cycling Shutdown – Auto Restart

• Safety Shutdown – Manual Restart

• Start Sequence Initiated

• System Run (with countdown timers)

• Start Inhibit

• Slide Valve Closing Before Shutdown

• System Lockout Delay

Run Messages include:

• Leaving Chilled Liquid Control

• Motor Pulldown Limit

• Motor – High Current Limit

Start Inhibit Messages include:

• Anti-Recycle XX min/sec.

• Slide Valve – Position >30%

• Motor Current >15% FLA

• LCSSS – High-Temperature Phase X - Stopped

Warning Messages include:

• Real Time Clock Failure

• Setpoint Override

• Condenser – High Pressure Limit

• Evaporator – Low Pressure Limit

• Freeze Threat From Operating Chiller

• Freeze Threat, Condenser Flow Switch Open

• Low Discharge Superheat Limit