Sip advanced – Zhone Technologies 6238-I2 User Manual
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62 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB20-10
• SIP Outbound Proxy Port— Provided by your service provider.
• STUN Server— (optional-enter only if you are using this service) – IP
address of the STUN server, a protocol for assisting devices behind a NAT
firewall or router with their packet routing.
• STUN Server Port— (optional-used with the STUN server) - UDP port
3478 is the port that the STUN server is contacted on.
• User 1 ID— this is the phone number (integers only).
• User 1 ID Name— the name that appears on caller ID when you call out
(characters such as "<>%\^[]`+$,='#&@.: are not accepted).
• User 1 Authentication Name— the user name provided by your service
provider. Characters such as "<>%\^[]`+$,='#&@.: are not accepted.
• User 1 ID Password—the password for the User 1 ID. Characters such as
"<>%\^[]`+$,='#&@.: are not accepted.
• User 2 ID / ID Name / Authentication Name / ID Password— enter info
only if you have a second telephone line using the same integer /or character
format for the User 1 info.
• SIP Local Port— 5060 is the typical SIP port number, but it depends on
your service provider.
• RTP Start Port— This is a starting parameter, usually a number in the
10000s, for Real-Time Transport Protocol.
SIP Advanced
This screen allows you to configure how to send and receive voice activity.