Appendix, Troubleshooting – VTech CS6129-54 User Manual
Page 68
The answerng system
does not respond to
remote commands.
Make sure your remote access code s correct (page 40).
Make sure you are callng from a touch-tone telephone. When dalng a number, there should
be tones. If there are clcks, then t s not a touch-tone telephone and cannot actvate the
answerng system.
The answerng system may not detect the remote access code when your announcement s
playng. Wat untl the announcement s over before enterng the code.
There may be interference on the telephone line you are using. Press the dial pad keys firmly
when dalng.
Common cure for
electronc equpment.
If the telephone s not respondng normally, try puttng the cordless handset n the telephone
base. If t does not respond, try the followng (n the order lsted):
Dsconnect the power to the telephone base.
Dsconnect the battery on the cordless handset.
Wat a few mnutes before connectng power to the telephone base.
Re-nstall the battery and place the cordless handset n the telephone base or charger.
Wat for the cordless handset to synchronze ts connecton wth the telephone base. Allow up
to one mnute for ths to take place.