VXI VT1422A User Manual

Page 168

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166 Advanced Programming with the VT1529B

Chapter 5

Figure 5-1. Sequence for VT1529B Strain Conversion

Periodic Calibration

Retrieve readings from

FIFO and/or CVT

Trigger event for each pass

through Scan List

Set up Trigger System to scan

strain bridge channels

Set up the analog input Scan List

Measure unstrained bridge output

voltages and send to EU routines

Send gage factors to
channel EU routines

To convert readings to

Engineering Units of strain

hpe1422_cmd(vi, "SENS:FUNC:STR::POST

Also sets bridge config switches and turns on excitation V

hpe1422_cmd(vi, "SENSe:STRain:GFACtor



hpe1422_cmd(vi, "MEASure:VOLTage:UNSTrained? (@


hpe1422_cmd(vi, "ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine (@



hpe1422_cmd(vi, "TRIG:SOURce


Similarly with TRIG:COUNt, ARM:SOURce, TRIG:TIMer

Set up Sample Timer for best
channel-to-channel scan rate

Initiate Trigger System

hpe1422_cmd(vi, "SAMPle:TIMer 40e-6");

hpe1422_cmd(vi, "INITiate:IMMediate");

hpe1422_cmd(vi, "*TRG"); (if TRIG:SOUR HOLD set)
EXTernal trig, TTLTRGn signal, or TRIG:TIMer

hpe1422_readFifoPost_Q(vi, , ,



Set Input Filter on VT1529B

hpe1422_cmd(vi, "INPut:FILTer:FREQuency


Must include excitation voltage channel.

hpe1422_cmdInt32_Q(vi, "*CAL?", &result);

hpe1422_cmdInt32_Q(vi, "CAL:REM? (@

)", &result);

hpe1422_cmd(vi, "INPut:FILTer:STATe


hpe1422_cmd(vi, "TRIG:IMM");




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