Trango Broadband High Density Mesh System User Manual
Page 28

HD Mesh Node
Trango Broadband Wireless — High Density MESH
page 28
The final step is to configure the OSPF settings. In the Interface tab click on settings to bring up the
OSPF settings windows. The setting will vary depending on the role of the router. If the router has a
connection to the Internet then the following settings are recommended. (Figure 39)
• Redistribute Default Route
= if installed (as type 2)
• Redistribute Connected Route = as type 1
• Redistribute Static Routes
= as type 2
Figure 39
If your router is just participating in the OSPF then the following OSPF settings are recommended.
(Figure 40)
• Redistribute Default Route = never
• Redistribute Connected Route = as type 1
• Redistribute Static Routes
= no
Figure 40