Trango Broadband High Density Mesh System User Manual
Page 10

HD Mesh Node
Trango Broadband Wireless — High Density MESH
page 10
Primary Features and Pages of the Browser Interface:
Navigation Column: Each page features a navigation column that runs along the left-hand side of the page.
On the bottom of the navigation column is the current status of the router including its System ID, IP address,
Time, Date, CPU Utilization, Uptime, Disk Space Free, Disk Space Total, Memory Free, Memory Total, Rx,
Tx, AP, Clients, and Timeout.
The navigation column also features buttons to each of the following pages:
System: This page shows ID, Version, System Reset, Reboot, Change password, and Web page refresh
Interface: The interface name, type, IP address, enable/disable and graph are seen on this page. It is the
first page shown after login.
Firewall: This page allows you to setup a basic firewall by selecting the Public interface and check boxes of
Protect customer, Protect router, and NAT.
Routes: This page will display all routing information with capabilities of adding static routes.
Simple Queues: Simple Queues page allows you to rate limit traffic on the router.
PPPoE: Allows you to enable PPPoE on an interface and add users and passwords.
Registration Table: This page will show you current registered clients.
Access List: This page will allow adding an Access List based on MAC address, Interface, Authenticate and
Forward settings.
DHCP Server: This page will show you current DHCP server settings to include current DHCP leases.
Upgrade: This page will allow you to upload an upgrade package or downgrade.
Logout: This link will end the current browser session with the router.