TOA Electronics EXES 6000 CP-63 User Manual

Page 10

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22) Group Hunting

When the first called party in a group is busy, the call

is automatically transferred to the next stations.

23) Secretary Transfer

Calls to an "Executive" may be automatically trans-

ferred to a "Secretary".

3. Optional Functions

Available across the other exchange

24) Station Paging and Response (PI-62 Unit is required)

Paging is available through the built-in station

speakers. Paging calls can be responded to by the

nearest master station.

25) PA Paging and Response

(PI-62 Unit and PA System are required)

Paging through PA System and response.

26) Conference (CL-62 Unit is required)

Conference calls can be made including up to 4

27) Talk-Back

(Talk-Back Unit and PA system are required)
Press-to-talk conversation is done by employing

external PA speakers.

28) Simplified Paging

Simplified PA paging is possible if an external speaker

is connected instead of a station.

29) In/Out Annunciation

(Interface for the Indicator Board needs to be made

by using Data Transmitter DT-E11 and Receiver DR-

In or Out status is annunciated by registration/

cancellation of Personal Numbers.

3-2. Available only within the same exchange

30) General Purpose Control

(Make the Indicator Board and General Purpose

Control Interface by using Data Transmitter DT-E11

and Receiver DR-B61)

Various types of Relay Output modes for control are

available. Use as Remote Control for such applica-
tions as In/Out Annunciation, Destination Annuncia-
tion Indication, VTR and ITV.

31) Calling Party Indication [Lamp Type]

(Interface for the Indicator Board is made by using
Data Transmitter DT-E11 and Receiver DR-B61)

The lamp of the calling party comes on when a call

is made. The calling party is kept in display while
the called party is in the privacy or busy mode. It is
also possible to continue the lamp indication for
the later reference for the calling party.

32) Pager Calling and Response

(Make Interface for this purpose by using Data

Transmitter DT-E11 and Receiver DR-B61)

Pagers with relay input interface can be connected.
A call can only be made from the stations No. 200~
327 connected to the "A" type exchange. It is pos-
sible to respond from any station.

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