Pause/resume (toggle or 30 seconds), End recording – Toshiba Strata CIX40 User Manual

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Send Messages

Recording Controls


Strata CIX40 Voice Processing User Guide 07/06


Pause/Resume (toggle or 30 seconds)

At any time while recording messages to another mailbox in the system, you can

4 to pause for 30 seconds. The message resumes recording as soon as you


4. Your voice mail system prompts you with, “Begin recording... (Beep).”

If within the 30 seconds you do not press

4, voice mail restarts another 30-second

pause. If during the second 30-second pause you:

Do not press any key, voice mail assumes you have cancelled the message and
returns to the Main Menu.


#, your voice mail system returns you to the Send Messages Menu and you

can send, review or record over the message.


End Recording

After recording a message, press

# to end the recording.