Action/response table, Related documents/media – Toshiba Strata CIX40 User Manual

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Related Documents/Media

Strata CIX40 Voice Processing User Guide 07/06


Action/Response Table

Related Documents/Media


Some documents listed here may appear in different versions on the CD-ROM,
FYI, or in print. To find the most current version, check the version/date in the
Publication Information on the back of the document’s title page.


Read this User Guide first, then use it with the Quick Reference Guide.

Strata CIX General Description

Strata CIX Installation and Maintenance Manual

Strata CIX40 Voice Processing GVPH Programming Manual

Strata CIX40 Voice Processing User Guide

Strata CIX Library CD-ROM

For authorized users, Internet site FYI ( contains all current
documentation and enables you to view, print, and download current publications.

See Figure 10

Grey words within the printed text denote cross-references. In the
electronic version of this document (Library CD-ROM or FYI
Internet download), cross-references appear in blue hypertext.

Actions you perform appear
in this column. They can
consist of either a single step
or a series of numbered

The immediate response to the action performed
appears in this column. Additional notes and comments
are also included.

