Combine original titles, Combine two titles into one), During playback or stop, press edit menu – Toshiba RD-XS32SB User Manual

Page 184: Press / to select the first title to merge, Press enter, Editing, Preparation, Hdd/dvd picture search

Combine original titles, Combine two titles into one), During playback or stop, press edit menu | Press / to select the first title to merge, Press enter, Editing, Preparation, Hdd/dvd picture search | Toshiba RD-XS32SB User Manual | Page 184 / 239 Combine original titles, Combine two titles into one), During playback or stop, press edit menu | Press / to select the first title to merge, Press enter, Editing, Preparation, Hdd/dvd picture search | Toshiba RD-XS32SB User Manual | Page 184 / 239