Omega Speaker Systems Dual Thermocouple Over the Internet iSE-TC User Manual

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LOCAL ALARMS -- The iSE includes two 1.5 Amp output relays that are controlled by

the alarm conditions you select. The relays can trigger flashing lights and a siren for

example to alert personnel near the scene.

With the easy Web-based setup page, the two relays can be programmed for two

temperature inputs, and high or low set points, as well as alarm conditions triggered by

contact closures. The relays can also be programmed to turn off when conditions return

to normal, or programmed to remain latched and require a manual reset.

VIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS ON THE WEB -- The iSE serves Active Web Pages to

display real time readings, display charts of temperature, or log data in standard data

formats for use in a spreadsheet or data acquisition program such as Excel or Visual


The virtual chart viewed on the web page is a JAVA™ Applet that records a chart over

the LAN or Internet in real time. With the iSE, there is no need to invest time and money

learning a proprietary software program to log or chart the data.

Chart scales are fully adjustable on the fly. For example, the chart can display one

minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month or one year. Temperature can be

charted across the full span or within any narrow range.

You can chart temperature from one thermocouple, two thermocouples, and/or the

differential between the two. The iSE can take thermocouple types J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C,

N and L measuring temperatures up to 1,820°C (3,308°F). The iSE can display and chart

absolute measurements in two locations and a differential measurement between the two

locations. The iSE comes with a pair of type K thermocouples.

LINK TO WEB CAM OR IP CAMERA -- The Web page includes a link to a “Web Cam”

or “IP camera” (not included). If you get a message about an alarm condition, you can

quickly click on the link to view the actual scene over the Internet.

FLASH MEMORY -- The iSE records data on a removable 2-MByte Flash Memory card

(included) that can store one full year of readings taken at one-minute intervals (or two

months of readings taken at ten second intervals).

Up to four years of temperature readings can be stored on the optional 8 MByte card.

Even if the Ethernet network fails, data will continuously record on the built-in nonvolatile

flash memory.

Installation and operation of the iSE monitor requires no special training, tools, or

software. The device connects to any Ethernet network with standard cable and is

powered by a universal AC adapter which is supplied with the product.

AWARD-WINNING TECHNOLOGY -- The iSE is simple to install and use, and features

award-winning iServer technology that requires no special software except a Web


The iSE connects to an Ethernet Network with a standard RJ45 connector and sends

data in standard TCP/IP packets. It is easily configured with a simple menu using a Web

Browser and can be password protected. From within an Ethernet LAN or over the

Internet, the user simply types its IP address or an easy to remember name such as

"Cleanroom 5" or "Server Room" in any Web Browser, and the iSE serves a Web Page

with the current readings.