Oki 6120E User Manual
Page 171

IV - 77
Section 4 - Appendix B - Application Considerations
OKI OkiLAN 6120e User’s Guide
6. Start the qdaemon by typing:
AIX> startsrc -s qdaemon
7. Try printing to the printer attached to the OkiLAN
6120e by issuing the following command:
AIX> lpr -Plj4 filename
Configuring Solaris 2.x for Printing
with the OkiLAN 6120e
This application note describes the configuration of the
printing system on the Solaris ver. 2.x UNIX operating
system. For clarity and brevity, the following specific
names will be used to represent general devices or
• lj4 - The local queue name on the Solaris system
to which print jobs that are destined for a printer
attached to the OkiLAN 6120e will be directed.
• OKIPRINTER - The host name of the remote
system which is the OkiLAN 6120e. For example,
to telnet to the OkiLAN 6120e and invoke the
OkiLAN 6120e Configuration utility, you would
type telnet OKIPRINTER. A host name is not
required for the OkiLAN 6120e, the IP Address
may be used.
• yourqueuename - This is the name of the queue
on the OkiLAN 6120e and must end with 1, 2, 3
or 4, depending on the port selected to service the
print jobs.
If FF, LF or NF are the last two letters of the
queue name, the job will be converted
accordingly. See pages IV-15 and IV-16 for more
information on remote queue names.