Oki 6120E User Manual

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IV - 31

Section 4 - Chapter 4 - OkiNet for TCP/IP

OKI OkiLAN 6120e User’s Guide


System Contact

Enter any information useful to a user if problems with
the OkiLAN 6120e arise.

System Location

Enter a description of the OkiLAN 6120e location.

Get Community Name

This field is used to set the community name required
to Get information from the print server. The default
community name is public.

Note: For JetAdmin to function correctly with the

OkiLAN 6120e, the SNMP Get and Set
community name must be set to public.

Set Community Name

This field sets the community name required to Set
information on the OkiLAN 6120e. The default
community name is public.

Note: The OkiLAN 6120e cannot be configured

without the correct Set community name. To
secure the configuration of the OkiLAN 6120e,
change the community name from the default

Trap Community Name

Enter the community name which will be used when
traps are sent from the OkiLAN 6120e. This setting
allows trap utilities to only accept traps from devices
with appropriate community names.

The trap community name field is used by the OkiNet
Alert and other network monitoring utilities for
grouping or filtering OkiLAN 6120e devices. OkiNet
Alert assists in managing network printers by
immediately alerting you of printer problems.