Rosewill RNX-G400 User Manual

Page 24

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Wireless Router

RNX-G40 User Manual

Item Description


Select the encryption supported over wireless access. The encryption
method can be None, WEP, WPA(TKIP), WPA2 or WPA2 Mixed
Refer to 4.9 What is WEP?
4.15 What is Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)?
4.16 What is WPA2CAES1?
4.17 What is 802. IX Authentication?
4.18 What is Temporal Kev Integrity Protocol (TKIP)?
4.19 What is Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)?

Use 802. lx

While Encryption is selected to be WEP.


Click the check box to enable IEEE 802. lx authentication function. Refer to
4.16 What is 802.1 x Authentication?

WPA Authentication

While Encryption is selected to be WPA.
Click to select the WPA Authentication Mode with
Enterprise (RADIUS) or Personal (Pre-Shared Key).
Refer to 4.15 What is Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)?

Pre-Shared Key Format

While Encryption is selected to be WPA. Select the Pre-shared key format
from the pull-down menu. The format can be Passphrase or Hex (64
characters). [WPA, Personal(Pre-Shared Key) only]

Pre-Shared Key

Fill in the key value. [WPA, Personal(Pre-Shared Key) only]


Click to enable Pre-Authentication. [WPA2/WPA2Mixed only, Enterprise


Set the IP address, port and login password information of authentication
RADIUS sever.

Apply Changes

Click the Apply Changes button to complete the new configuration setting.


Click the Reset button to abort change and recover the previous
configuration setting.

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