Ringdale ISDN User Manual
Page 86

timeout. You should determine the line charges in order to
optimize Call Timeout.
Step 13: Select Bandwidth on Demand (BOD) to be
on or off.
Bandwidth on Demand limits the use of both B-channels to
only when there is sufficient data to require both channels.
If this feature is turned off and your router is setup to use
both B-channels, then both channels will be used regardless
of the amount of data.
The BOD Level (BPS) can be between 1 - 64,000 bps. The
BOD Level must be set if Bandwidth on Demand is turned
on. This determines the point where both channels will be
activated by the router. You must decide what this number
should be, based on the ISDN connect charges and the cost
of long distance line charges.
Enter the BOD Time (SEC), which is the time in seconds
that the selected router will allow the second B-channel to
remain up when there is insufficient data transferring before
bringing the channel down again. When setting this feature,
you should determine the line charges in you area in order to
optimize BOD Time.
Step 14: Set Max Call Attempts.
Type in a number for Max Call Attempts, which is the
maximum number of calls the selected router should make to
the remote router when trying to establish a link. For reasons
such as call collisions (when both routers try to call each
other simultaneously), some routers may not pick up on an
initial call but may pick up on a subsequent call.