Ringdale ISDN User Manual
Page 46

Unit Name and Unit Password should be no more than 10 letters
and/or numbers. If one or both of these fields are left blank, then
the selected router will expect a blank ID and/or password from the
remote device. If the remote device does not support PAP or does
not supply this exact name and password, the call will be rejected.
For OverLAN routers, the Peer Name and Peer Password for the
remote router must correspond to the Unit Name and Unit
Password for the selected router.
For routers or devices of other manufacturers, you must be sure
that the remote device settings correspond correctly with the
settings on the OverLAN router. Refer to the instructions included
with the remote device for additional information.
Send PAP Authentication: Enabling Send PAP Authentication
makes the selected router transmit its Peer Name and Peer
Password to the remote router or device it is calling. If Send PAP
Authentication is enabled and the remote device does not support
PAP, the remote device may hang-up the call or only give limited
PAP Peer Name and PAP Peer Password: This is the name and
password to be supplied to the remote device. Peer Name and Peer
Password should be no more than 10 letters and/or numbers. If
one or both of these fields are left blank and Send PAP
Authentication is enabled, then the selected router will send a
blank ID and/or password to the remote device.
For OverLAN routers, the Peer Name and Peer Password for the
selected router must correspond to the Unit Name and Unit
Password for the remote router.
For routers or devices of other manufacturers, you must be sure
that the remote device settings correspond correctly with the