Ringdale ISDN User Manual

Page 37

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Bandwidth Monitor

Bandwidth Monitor appears under the Statistics Tab for the
properties for a router.

Below is an example of the Bandwidth Monitor.

TX BPS represents Transmitted Bytes per Second which appears
as red line data in the Bandwidth Monitor.

RX BPS represents Received Bytes per Second which appears as
yellow line data in the Bandwidth Monitor.

The data in the monitor moves from right to left, the newest data
appearing on the right side of the monitor. Each horizontal grid
mark represents approximately 5 seconds of elapsed time.

When there is no activity, a flat yellow line will be seen along the
bottom edge of the monitor.

When there is activity, transmitted and/or received data appears
above the bottom edge of the monitor. The higher the data is
shown, the greater the percentage of the available bandwidth is
being used to handle the data transfer. Each vertical grid mark
represents 25% of the available bandwidth.

The following table compares available bandwidth to the
percentages shown in the Bandwidth Monitor.