Ringdale ISDN User Manual
Page 50

Bandwidth on Demand Setup
Due to the varieties and complexities of networks and applications,
it is the responsibility of the network administrator to determine the
cost of all line charges, or any other charges which may be
incurred, resulting from the use of the OverLAN Ethernet/ISDN
router. Such charges are not the responsibility of Ringdale.
Bandwidth on Demand Setup appears under the Setup Tab > Call
Setup Tab for the properties for a router.
Bandwidth On Demand: Bandwidth on Demand limits the use of
both B-channels to only when there is sufficient data to require
both channels. If this feature is disabled and the router is setup to
use both B-channels, then the router will use both channels
regardless of the amount of data being transferred.
Bandwidth Trigger: Type a number representing the bytes per
second of data going over the ISDN line at which point Bandwidth
on Demand should activate. The Bandwidth Trigger can be from 0
to 8,000 bps. This option determines the point at which the router
will bring up the second B-channel for increased bandwidth. The
default value is 0 (always using full bandwidth).