Setting up point to point protocol – Ringdale ISDN User Manual
Page 82

Setting up Point to Point Protocol
Point to Point Protocol options are shown below:
PPP Setup dialog box
Step 8: Setup Require PAP Authentication.
The default of Require PAP Authentication is off.
Require PAP Authentication: Enabling Require PAP
Authentication makes the selected router use Unit Name and
Unit Password to determine access for routers or other
devices calling in.
PAP Unit Name and PAP Unit Password: This is the name
and password required by the selected router for remote
devices calling in. Unit Name and Unit Password should be
no more than 10 letters and/or numbers. If one or both of
these fields are left blank, then the selected router will expect
a blank ID and/or password from the remote device. If the
remote device does not support PAP or does not supply this
exact name and password, the call will be rejected.