Moving around the chart – Raymarine Chartplotter User Manual
Page 25

RayChart 420/420D Chartplotter
Moving around the chart
You will normally operate the chartplotter with the chart showing your vessel’s
current location.
In the default North-Up orientation, the vessel moves in relation to the screen.
You will need to reposition the chart if your vessel moves out of the area
currently displayed, or if you wish to examine or place waypoints in another
Alternatively, you can home the cursor onto the vessel using the FIND SHIP
function. ‘Homing’ locks the vessel to the cursor and updates the display such
that the chart is re-drawn so as to ensure that the vessel is always on screen, see
Using FIND SHIP below.
There are three ways in which you can reposition the chart:
• Use the trackpad to move the cursor to the edge of the chart; the chart pans
across. This method is useful if the area you wish to see is just off screen.
• Automatically re-centre the vessel using the FIND SHIP function.
• Change the chart scale using the RANGE key to zoom out and in to a new
area. This method is useful if the area you wish to see is some distance away.
FIND SHIP is used to re-draw the chart with the vessel normally at its centre
and the cursor homed on the vessel.
ä To centre the vessel:
1. From chart mode, press ENTER; the primary function bar is displayed:
Select FIND SHIP; the following actions are performed:
• The chart is re-drawn with the vessel’s position in the centre.
• The cursor is homed onto the vessel position and moves with it.
• When the vessel moves near the edge of the chart window, the chart is
redrawn with the vessel at the centre and the cursor homed on the vessel.
• Whilst homed, the status bar indicates vessel position, SOG and COG.
• If Screen Amplifier is enabled, the vessel is positioned so as to increase
screen forward visibility, see Chapter 4, Setting Up the Chartplotter.
ä To release the cursor from homed mode press the trackpad to move the cursor
away from the vessel’s current position. The status bar shows the cursor
position, range and bearing.