Introduction – RadioLAN Campus BridgeLINK User Manual
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890-007 Rev. A 01/28/99
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© 1999 RadioLAN, Inc.
Historically, connecting two buildings to allow networking
between two local area networks required the expense
and effort related to running a cable from one building to
another. This may have involved installing an aerial cable
or digging a trench and installing conduit and wiring
between the two buildings, which is time-consuming,
labor-intensive, and costly.
After installation, cable degradation, due to moisture,
corrosion, or alterations in landscaping, can compromise
the network connection between the two buildings.
Repairing and replacing cable runs is also costly, time-
consuming, and labor-intensive.
RadioLAN overcomes these difficult installation issues
with its Campus BridgeLINK™ product line. This exciting
new technology easily connects two buildings, using radio
frequency technology. Because this technology uses
radio frequency to make the connection between the
buildings, cable runs, conduit, trenching, and labor
involved with these activities are no longer required.
Figure 1: Campus BridgeLINK™ Products