Ringdale Minit 5250E User Manual

Page 8

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Copyright  2006 Ringdale User Manual, 62-400310001 Page 8

MinIT Start Menu

The MinIT Start Menu is the key to most of the functions of the MinIT 5250E. Click
on the desired menu item or use the underlined keyboard shortcut.

Menu Item


Getting Started

Help overview


Configuration of the unit

Print Queue
/Session Status

Shows status of Printer Sessions and any print jobs
outstanding. Cancel print jobs here.

/Session Status

Shows status of all defined Display Sessions.

View Keyboard

Allows you to see the Keyboard Macros and the number
assigned to it.

RDP Desktop

Used for connection to an RDP Server

Ping Host

For testing the Ethernet connection to a host

Linux Command

For troubleshooting with Technical Support

Process Monitor

For troubleshooting with Engineering

Set Time/Date

Sets the Clock (lower right corner of Desktop)


Brings up a calculator

Restart Windows
Manager / Sessions

Restarts the MinIT software (partial restart)

Reboot Computer

Full Reboot of the unit


Always use this method to turn off the unit.

You can call up the MinIT Start Menu by
Clicking on the Start Button, by clicking on
the Desktop, or by using Alt+Shift+F1.

Hint: If a letter in the Start Menu is
underlined, it is a keyboard shortcut to
that item. For instance, hit P to jump to
Print Queue. (Hit P again to jump to
Process Monitor).