Ringdale Minit 5250E User Manual
Page 26

Copyright 2006 Ringdale User Manual, 62-400310001 Page 26
Go into Unit Information and click the box for Boot to Text Terminal ONLY.
Click the Done button and reboot the MinIT.
At this point, the unit will boot straight into Session 1 in Text mode. No Window Manager will
be running and there will be no means for the user to modify settings. The user can toggle
between the (up to) five Display Sessions by using Alt-F1 thru Alt-F5.
There are a few reasons, mostly to do with networking, which may cause Session 1 to not
start or fail to connect. After correcting the problem, you do not have to reboot the MinIT. If
you press Alt-F12 you will see a User Menu of options including 'r1' which restarts Session 1.
This can save you the time and trouble of a reboot.
w brings up the Windows Manager. If it is passworded, you must enter the password,
p Alt F12 and do a p to power down. If you are running the MinIT 5250E in Text ONLY Mode,
it is recommended to use this instead of the power button. This orderly shut down saves any
new macros recorded onto the built-in compact flash.
More about this User Menu -- there are two 'secret' commands we chose not to expose to
'nr' restarts networking. This may be all that is required if your Ethernet cable was
'sq' shows you the contents of the printer Spool Queues.
This menu also allows you to start a window manager session if you wish to modify your
settings. If you had earlier set an Administrative Password, attempting to start the window
manager would prompt you for that password.
One more troubleshooting hint: Even though in terminal mode your MinIT does not display
the window manager, it is running in the background, you just can't get to it from this unit
without the password. You can, however, get to it from a PC running the MinITMan manager.
Select the Unit and click Desktop and your Windows desktop computer will show you the
MinIT5250 desktop. From there, you can use all of the Administrative configuration functions.
See the MinITMan Manager CD for more information.