Ringdale Minit 5250E User Manual

Page 20

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Copyright  2006 Ringdale User Manual, 62-400310001 Page 20

Select Network, Parallel Port, or Serial Port.

For a printer that is locally attached to this MinIT unit select Parallel Port or Serial Port.

IP Address or Port

For a Network printer, enter it’s IP address.

For a parallel printer use 0.

For a serial printer, use 1 and enter the appropriate parameters in the Baud Rate, Parity, Data
Bits, Stop Bits, and Flow Control fields.

NOTE: To bypass the spooler and print directly to the printer enter LP0.

Printer Name (optional) - Some Network Print Servers require a Printer Name. Consult
with your Network Administrator.

Click the Done button to exit this window and configure another.

Click the Cancel button to cancel your changes.

Click the ? Help button for more information.